Fees &
3 billing options
1. Services by the hour
SIDE Law Office’s services are billed on an hourly basis. Our hourly rates vary depending on the type of service and the team members required. Our average hourly rate is 450€ HT/hour for clients with headquarters located in Europe and $650/hour for clients with headquarters located in the USA and/or Asia.
A retainer may be requested.
Each month, or upon request at any time, SIDE Law Office will send you a statement showing all services rendered, their cost, any possible third-party expenses as well as all payments you have already made.
Bills are established every month and payable upon reception.
2. Annual subscriptions
In order to help you spread out and have a better control over your legal expenses, SIDE Law Office offers several service subscription packages, such as:
24 hours of legal services/year for 680€ HT/month for 12 months (8160€HT/year)
36 hours of legal services/year for 1020€ HT/month for 12 months (12240€HT/year)
Services included in the subscription are usable anytime and roll over for a period of 12 consecutive months.
Subscriptions give you 15% discount on our regular hourly rate.
3. Flat fee services
Based on our experience we know some services take a fixed amount of time. We can offer those services for a flat fee based established in our quotation.